This website is not a substitute for personal medical advice, and it is not intended to replace a personal consultation with a qualified health care professional who becomes familiar with your past and present medical history. Our content and information given is only for general informational and educational purposes. This is not personal advice. No medical claims are made.

Dr. Geoffrey H. Saft, D.C.


Dr. Geoffrey H. Saft, D.C. is a Chiropractor who is certified in hyperbaric oxygen therapy*.

Phone: (415)  785-8215

Dr. Geoffrey H. Saft, D.C.

A personal message from Dr. Geoffrey H. Saft, D.C. :

“If only doctors made their recommendations as if their patient was a beloved family member, and each patient could be treated based upon which therapies and treatments would be most helpful to them, instead of only being treated based on what insurance will cover.”

“To button your own shirt post-stroke after 8 years of not being able to, to have your developmentally delayed child begin to look you in the eye and take an interest in other family members, to feel better enough to rekindle an optimism about your life . . . these are the steps with which we measure our success.”

“I began private practice in 1979, and I strive to keep at the forefront of innovative and effective therapies.

Despite the fact that our longevity is increasing, our health has been deteriorating year by year. The rates of all degenerative diseases in this country are increasing. At the same time we spend more and more money each year for “Health Care.” We have more doctors and more drugs than any civilization in history. So why aren’t we healthier?

Perhaps what is wrong is in the underlying idea. If drugs could give us better health, we’d already be better. That is why the field of holistic and alternative medicine is growing so fast – it strives to work with the body, to help coax the body to do its own healing.”

“I encourage you to consider this: in order to get the best care for yourself, you may need to do some research on your own. Really learn about the condition you have been diagnosed with. Then, you can decide if, like a salmon, you are prepared to swim upstream and fight to defy your prognosis, to do better than you are told you can expect. Make some decisions for yourself, and look outside of what your health insurance will cover. Doctors that practice in conjunction with insurance companies, are trained to think within insurance guidelines. Do you really think your insurance company has your best interest at heart?”

Sometimes, you must look and think outside the guidelines to get results that are outside the guidelines !

Remember, you only get one body. Do not limit yourself. Isn’t it the quality of your life that is at stake ?

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.

Thank you for taking the time to visit.

Dr. Geoffrey H. Saft, D.C.